Top 15 Fintech Startups in South Korea to Watch in 2024. Blocko is in the List

The resource Innerg published a review of major players in the IT sphere in South Korea.

You can read the article below at the link:

Thanks to its high internet penetration, a favorable regulatory environment, and an established ecosystem, South Korea has emerged as a preeminent fintech center in Asia over the last few years.

Fintech startups in Korea are poised for significant growth and innovation. With its advanced technology, government support, and a thriving ecosystem, South Korea is set to become a global leader in fintech in Asia.

Here’s why:

  • The digital assets market is predicted to be the largest in 2024, with a total value of $2.3 million in assets under management (AUM). 
  • The projected average AUM per user in the digital assets market for 2024 is $214.10. 
  • Digital asset revenue is expected to grow by 9.09% in 2025. 
  • By 2028, the number of users in the digital payments market is estimated to reach 50.36 million. 
  • The total AUM in the digital assets market is projected to be US$2,356.00m in 2024.

Top Fintech Startups in South Korea

With its advanced technology infrastructure and a highly digital-savvy population, South Korea has become a hotbed for innovative fintech startups, and these startups are leading the way in revolutionizing the financial industry. Let’s dive in and discover the innovative solutions they offer. 

Blocko, a strategic partner of Aergo, was included in this list:


Address: 8 Seongnam-daero 331beon-gilBundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, 13558
Segment: Blockchain

A blockchain infrastructure provider that offers scalable and secure solutions for various industries, including finance.