AERGO | Volume spike (USDT PAIR): post by Coin Sonar V2

On July 8, 2024, Coin Sonar V2 reported a strong surge in price and trading volume for the Aergo and USDT trading pair. Not only did we see a reversal of the downward trend, but we also saw a large volume of tokens being bought, which often signals a change in the entire trend.

#AERGO | Volume spike (USDT PAIR)

10 times the average volume

128.64K USDT traded in 15 min

└Buying vol: 86.04K USDT 🟢

Boost score: 4/10

24h Vol: 1.15M USDT (#Binance)

Price: 0.0831 (-3.4% in 24h) $AERGO #BTC