Aergo’s Dapp Incubation program has committed its first investment to Blocko for the development of the CCCV Service
What happened?
AERGO has committed to awarding Blocko 500,000 tokens each quarter, for a total award of 2 Million $AERGO Tokens.
The goal?
To prevent online fraud and false influencer credentials. The Aergo Mainnet will be used to record verified personal certification credentials.
What is CCCV?
CCCV is a distributed identity management service that helps anyone easily manage various accounts and identities based on BLOCKCHAIN DID. CCCV provides management technology that can add trust to social network accounts without a central certification authority. Social network influencer’s credentials are verified and recorded on the AERGO Mainnet for authentication. CCCV’s goal is to someday provide services like Credit Bureau (CB) through social networks and social identities.