Aergo is 5 out of 1863 at LunarCrush altrank

Aergo token has risen to 5th place among 1863 altcoins in the constantly calculated and published rating from the resource LunarCrush.

Here you can monitor the status, basic facts and data on Aergo and the rating of the Project in relation to other crypto projects.

According to LunarCrush, the latest daily activity associated with Aergo looks like this:

24H Activity:

15.1% increase in the price of the token for the last day,

368 posts on social networks,

434,487 social mentions

5th place is a huge achievement. The activity of the Aergo team, the Project community over the past 2 months has manifested itself in a variety of ratings and mentions of Aergo among leading analysts, bloggers, services from this industry. All this could affect the price of the token on the exchanges. The price and volume of daily trading increased significantly.