AERGO HUB is an application PaaS that focuses on being as easy and agile as possible. To launch your application with microservice architecture, all you need to do is login, create, and push. With a self-serve pricing model and Kubernetes-based container approach, AERGO HUB is the place for every developer.
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Article by Jae Nam on medium:
AERGO HUB. PaaS Made Easy
AERGO HUB is an application PaaS that focuses on being as easy and agile as possible. To launch your application with microservice architecture, all you need to do islogin, create, and push.
With a self-serve pricing model and Kubernetes-based container approach, AERGO HUB is the place for every developer.
AERGO HUB is dedicated to light-weight applications, providing a robust environment for your applications to run.
AERGO HUB supports two types of storage: PVC(Persistent Volume Claim) and Ephemeral Storage. When you first sign up for AERGO HUB, enough resources for a webapp and a DB(PostgreSQL or MySQL) will be assigned to your account:
– CPU: 1 core
– Memory: 512MB
– Ephemeral Storage: 1GiB
– PVC: 1GiB per volume, 2 PVC max.