AERGO has added to the HitBTC Exhan exchange platform!
HitBTC is a crypto exchange with 800+ trading pairs. The platform provides exchange, custodial, and other related services. HitBTC offers REST, WebSocket and FIX APIs. Users can take advantage of competitive trading fees via HitBTC’s Trading Fee Tier system.
Read all about it on twitter page of HitBTC
We previously reported that the HitBTC official Twitter page has confirmed that the exchange will list Aergo tokens.

The opportunity for listing appeared after the victory of supporters of the Aergo project in the vote, where Aergo won first place with an overwhelming advantage of 65% and a wide margin from competitors.

We congratulate the Project team and the community with a new Victory! We wouldn’t have made it without our community support in the votes. To the Aergonauts!