5 Live features of AERGO (you may not know): tweet by DesignBlock


1/5 Live features of AERGO (you may not know):

⏺️Account Abstraction

⏺️Soul-bound tokens #SBT

⏺️Naming System

⏺️Aergo Agora (DAO)

2/5 Account Abstraction

Long before the trend, Aergo already allows easy onboarding of users. Users need not to create a wallet to use AERGO. Aergo allows developers to “abstract” account creation and pay for the fees instead. This is already used by Aergo dapps like @cccv_cccv

3/5 Soul-bound tokens

Vitalik Buterin describes soulbound tokens as non-transferable NFTs that can help represent a person’s identity and achievements in Web3. Aergo has already implemented this token standard since 2022 on its blockchain. It is already used by dapps like CCCV.

4/5 Naming System

Instead of long random sequence of numbers and letters, Aergo allows creating a name to be a pointer to your address for easier verification.

Unlike Ethereum naming system (ENS), Aergo has a naming system native to its protocol, which went live in 2020.

5/5 Aergo Agora (DAO)

Aside from voting on system parameters like, gas price, minimum stake and block producers, Aergo allows token holders to vote on proposals submitted by Aergo Foundation. The DAO codemaned, Aergo Agora was launched in 2020 with 17 proposals voted to date.