Aergo innovation continues with the addition of AERGO Timer Service. AERGO Timer Service is a trustless service that uses off-chain… Breaking Changes Update BadgerDB to v3 (previously v1.6) to resolve long boot time (over 1 hour on a typical…
Block chain company Blocko is challenging to be listed on the KOSDAQ this year after 9 years of establishment. If it…
Top 5 bullish trend on BTC pair 1: AERGO 2: AVAX 3: TOWER 4: PYR 5: TLOS Top 5 bullish…
Some clues why: Blocko IPO soon GemPay launch Samsung VP hired New South Korea’s President NFTs minted on AERGO @Blocko_io…
At 22:40 author talks about AERGO, about micro capitalization and massive accumulation.